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A Crucial Crucian account allows you to:

Claim/Create Listings

Submit a listing claim and, once approved, manage and improve the listing. Show a verified badge, sort, and appear in filtered searches by verified status.

Recieve Saved Search Notifications

Save your search criteria and receive alerts when new matching listings are added.

Create Events with Tickets

Link events to a listings and show a tab of all upcoming events on a listing and a link to the venue from the event listing.

Leave Reviews

Get advanced features such as photo uploads, review ratings and multiple rating options.

Create Saved Lists

Create and save your own special lists of places. For example, "Restaurants to Try", "Places to Stay" or "Beaches to Visit".

Embed Profile Ratings

Create a widget to display your live ratings from your profile on your website. Similar to the Trip Advisor rating widget.

Create Ads

Create your own ads and manage them through your advertiser dashboard with statistics and reports.

Sell Products

Create and sell products, directly from your listing and becomes your own shop.